Ethiopioan refugees and immigrants in italy face daily challenges as they establish new lives in Italy. These challenges stem from both an unfamiliarity with the Italian cultures and the lack of knowledge among the public about challenges faced by newcomers. This sometimes poses added obstacles to newcomers’ desire and ability to integrate into the society.
this blog will serv as a welcoming presence as well as a bridge for dialogue and education. Through our programs we will empower Ethiopian newcomers; giving hope for their future and helping them quickly become self-sufficient, productive members of their communities in their new homeland.
KIdane Chane Alemaw
1. የፐርሜሶ፡ ዲ፡ ሶጆርኖ፡እድሳት፡
RispondiElimina2. ካርታ፡ ዲ፡ሶጆርኖ፡
3. የአሳይለም፡ ወይንም፡
4. ጥገኝነት፡መኖርያ፡ፈቃድ፡መጠየቅና፡መከታተል
5. ማናቸውንም፡አይነት፡ሰርቲፊኬቶች፡
6. የፍርድ፡ቤት፡የኮሙነ…………
7. የትርጉም፡እና፡ዶክመንት፡ህጋዊ፡የማድረግ፡ስራ።
8. የዜግነት፡ጥያቄ፡ማቅርብና፡መከታተል፡አስፈላጊ፡
9. በግብዣ፡ከአገር፡ቤት ዘመድ፡ለማስመጣት፡ የሚያስፈልጉ፡ዶክመንቶችን፡ማዘጋጀት።
10. በግል፡ስራ፡መተዳደር፡ለሚፈልጉ፡ ፓርቲታ፡ኢቫ፡መክፈትና፡የንግድ፡ምክር፡ቤት፡ምዝገባ
ለበለጠ፡መረጃ፡ ኪዳኔ 3401051842